
Gotham Knights: Kane's Private Elevator Puzzle Solution

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Recommended Videos Now that you have an arrest warrant out for Jacob Kane, he won’t make this easy for you. After going through countless armed guards and stealth sections, he has more problem-solving for you to do. Once you hit Kane’s private elevator in Gotham Knights, there’s a puzzle that we have the solution for. Upon solving this, you can pursue him further until his eventual arrest. What is the Solution to Kane’s Private Elevator in Gotham Knights? Read More...

Forza Horizon 5: How to Mute Players

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Looking to mute players in Forza Horizon 5? Well, there’s some good news and bad news. The good news is there is a way to mute players. The bad news is it’s not easy or convenient… yet. The game does come out tomorrow, so there may be updates to come. As previously mentioned, Forza Horizon 5 comes out tomorrow, Nov. 9, and we could not be more excited. As the newest Forza Horizon entry in the series, these games differ from their relative Forza Motorsports series in tone. Read More...

Destiny 2 Guide: How to Level Up Fast in 2023

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Whether you are new or returning to Destiny 2, one thing you’ll need to do is increase your level. In Destiny 2, your overall damage output and how much damage you can take is tied to your Power Level. Power Level is dictated by your weapons and armor. Recommended Videos Power Level is something that constantly needs to be increased with each new season, except for Season 21. Here’s the best way to level up fast in Destiny 2. Read More...