
Spider-Man: Miles Morales Camouflage Skills Guide

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The Camouflage ability is one of the skills Miles possesses that makes him a very unique Spider-Man. Going invisible definitely has its uses, especially during the stealth segments scattered throughout the main campaign and side activities. Investing in this tree will allow Miles to get the drop on his enemies while also augmenting the veiled strikes. Spider-Man: Miles Morales includes three skill trees that can be invested in steadily over the course of the campaign. Read More...

Destiny 2 Exalted Truth God Roll: Best Perks for PVP and PVE

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Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph brings many new weapons to the game including new Trials of Osiris Hand Cannon called Exalted Truth. The Rose Hand Cannon is in direct contest with Exalted Truth for best Hand Cannon in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph. Here is the Exalted Truth God Roll for PvP and PvE in Destiny 2. Recommended Videos Exalted Truth has an Adaptive Frame which makes it a reliable Hand Cannon overall. Read More...

Best Gorilla Arms Build in Cyberpunk 2077 (2.0)

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Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the few RPGs out there allowing unarmed combat to be a viable playstyle. Thanks to Cyberware, the player’s own arms can be more effective weapons than most guns in the game. While this is most evident with the Mantis Blades, a lesser-known piece of Cyberware — the Gorilla Arms — can be just as effective. With the best build possible, Gorilla Arms can turn any unarmed player into an unstoppable force in Cyberpunk 2077. Read More...