What is the power cap in Destiny 2: Beyond Light? After the credits roll on the Beyond Light campaign, Guardians will have to focus on increasing their power levels in order to prepare for the upcoming raid and other challenging content. The main draw of Destiny is getting stronger and getting new gear, and fans can expect a raised power cap in Beyond Light just like with every other expansion. The minimum power requirement for the upcoming raid is 1230, so you’ll have a lot of farming to do if you want to be raid ready on day one. Read More...
One Piece is one of the most popular, long-running anime and manga franchises ever established. It has tons of great story arcs with relatively low filler, a diverse, exciting, dangerous world for fans to invest in, and perhaps one of the best, most loveable ensemble casts created for a shonen series. While it’s easy to root for the show’s protagonist or latch onto a particularly iconic villain, it’s important to note just how much creator Eiichiro Oda has accomplished and to recognize the best characters he has created for One Piece. Read More...
I’m going to open this guide with a warning: if you have not completed Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers’ main scenario turn away, and turn away now, for here be minor spoilers. Okay, are we good? Cool, cause in this guide I’m going to show you how to unlock Hades Extreme: AKA the harder version of Shadowbringers final boss fight.
The Minstreling Wanderer can be found in the Crystarium. Head to X7. Read More...