Season 7 of GO Battle League is heading toward its first Ultra League and Premier Cup session in Pokémon GO. The next two weeks will consist of battles limited to the usual CP cap of 2500 CP. These two are some of the most popular and toughest sections of the entire GO Battle League season, so you have a challenge ahead if you want to level up. To help here’s our Pokémon GO Ultra League and Premier Cup guide showing you the best Pokémon for your teams in March 2021. Read More...
A few perks in the Tech Skill Tree of Starfield require players to destroy ships to rank up. These include the Targeting Control System and Piloting, each important for becoming a master space pirate. Besides leveling up perks, killing ships can lead to valuable and rare loot. The problem is that ships can be hard to find. This guide will cover how to farm ship kills in Starfield.
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Animal Crossing: New Horizons is an ongoing continuous game just like the past entries in the franchise, where time goes by as you continue to play. Everybody needs a little rest sometime, especially have a hard day of building up the island in the game. You may want to give your Villager a bit of a rest, but it may be a little confusing on how to get on your bed at first. Read More...