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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Guide: What to Do with Credits


Star Wars Battlefront 2 features a different type of progression system that’s closely tied to credits that you earn by playing the game.  You’ll notice that after almost any activity that you complete you’ll be earning credits in the game.  There are a few different things that players can use their credits for in Star Wars Battlefront 2.

The first thing that many players will want to do in Star Wars Battlefront 2 is add the popular heroes and villains of the movies into their Collection of playable hero characters.  By default, some of the popular characters in the game are locked and must be purchased with credits.  The cost of these characters range depending on their popularity, with Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker costing the most, and newcomer Iden Versio costing the least.  The Rey and Chewbacca Millennium Falcon can also be unlocked in the Collection screen by using credits as well.

Other than these unlockable characters, Credits in Star Wars Battlefront are used to purchase Crates.  These Loot Boxes contain a number of different items in the game that can range from emotes or victory poses, to powerful in-game power-ups for your heroes, starships, or troopers.

How to Earn Credits in Battlefront 2

You earn credits by playing the game in any of its modes or completing in-game challenges.  Different challenges can be completed and tracked through the in-game menu under the Career tab.  Once you’ve completed a challenge you’ll need to go into the Career tab and select the challenge that you completed and claim your reward.  Rewards aren’t always credits, however.  Sometimes they can be things like crafting materials, crystals, or other items in the game.
