On the Stage, Behind the Stage is a world quest that’s added to Genshin Impact following the 2.7 version update. This 2.7 version update features a swath of characters, from newcomers like Yelan and Kuki Shinobu, to returning 5-star banners belonging to Xiao and Itto. The new archon story will take players back into the depths of the Chasm, with a seemingly ragtag group of characters hailing from Liyue and Inazuma. These notable updates can be accompanied by small additions, such as world quests. This guide will cover the new world quest, its rewards, and the items required to complete it.
Where to Find Furniture Materials and Red Dye for on the Stage, Behind the Stage in Genshin Impact
This Genshin quest requires Pine Wood, harvestable in the proximities of the Dragonspine Mountains, and red dye, which is acquirable via the Teapot NPC, Tubby. After accepting the commission to deal with the squeaking floorboards of the Tea House Stage, players are sent looking for furniture makers in Qingce Village. Where it becomes required of them to gather materials to solve a dilemma that the woodworkers are tackling regarding making a new chair. Hence, the pinewood and the red dye.
This means it’s now time to head to Dragonspine to collect some wood. Look for tall standing snow-covered trees and hit them with your melee characters. Miniature-sized wood blocks should fall from the tree. Check if these are Pine Wood, players will require three but are free to gather more if they want to for making their furniture. Below is a map that outlines the locations where Pine trees can be found at Dragonspine.

Next is the red dye. Enter your Serenitea Pot via the map screen and interact with the NPC by your household, Tubby. Pick Create Furnishing out of all existing dialogue options, select the bottle icon next to the hammer at the top of the screen, and choose to make a red dye. Red Dyes require either Sunsettia Fruits, Carrots, or Valberries, don’t fret too much as you’ll only need one Red Dye. After obtaining a sufficient amount of wood and red dye, find the Furniture maker at Qingce village, moving the quest forward into the next stage.
The subsequent steps after the material gathering mainly involve a lot of conversations, so players should easily complete the quest and obtain their rewards. Players will get three Hero’s Wit and a furnishing blueprint for their teapot.
Players might be interested in moving onto the bulk of the new content that came with the 2.7 Update following the completion of this world quest, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea considering the primo gems that’ll come with them. Though some questing might have to be done beforehand, depending on player progress.
Genshin Impact is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Android, and iOS.